Sunday, October 5, 2008

Article 6 - Comcast's Broadband Usage Cap Won't Hurt My Mom

Comcast put a limit on customer bandwidth usage this week. A lot of average users will be in shock to find that they can’t upload or download as much as they want but most of the limits won’t actually affect the average user. The author states that he should not be paying the same rate as him. He states that his mother checks news and send a few emails during the day but he is constantly online sending large files and download many different types of data. I agree with the author because the current agreements that the companies have are averaged out where everyone is paying the same rate and many users are abusing it but the smaller users have to pay for it.

He states that he uses it for many other things and that his usage is easily a thousand times that of his mother. He states that no reasonable person would say that they need to pay the same price. I agree that it is reasonable to pay for what you use. This way everyone get a fair speed and amount of bandwidth because that is what they paid for. The author also states that he already pays extra for a connection that is faster so if he wanted to distribute multimedia across the globe he could. I agree with the author and actually have the same type of connection because of the type of work I do.

This announcement was the official limiting of usage was today but they have been doing this quietly for a few years with a magical capacity that no one knew. They would let you use it until you reached it and then would cut your service off. I think that this is unfair and that people that need to use a large amount of bandwidth should be able to pick a package and pay for it.

Article Link -,2817,2331596,00.asp